Sunday, 2 February 2020

News from Antarctica

Good afternoon from Antarctica!

Today we are officially taking our first day off. Thanks to the great weather conditions we were able to complete almost all the essential tasks of this campaign. Most of the sampling and the high resolution elevation models have been completed. This is the first time such high resolution imagery has been taken consistently for these sites! We are now off for a week and a half of least priority tasks and packing. Being the third and last campaign of the MICROBIAN project, we have quite some material that has to be sent back to Belgium.

Yesterday, we went back to the Dry Valleys and while Quinten and Juri were busy mapping one of our last sites, Valentina and Bea carried out the planned contamination experiment. This experiment´s aim is to provide the scientific underpinning for policy support related to the Committee on Environmental Protection of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), by assessing potential means of cross-contamination of (alien) microorganisms between different ice-free region. 

Bea sampling Valentina´s boots

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